Saturday, November 30, 2013

Pie Time!

Thank you so much to the moms who joined us at the pie making event. . . and thank you for the MANY dollars in donations!  It allowed our kiddos to make 50 pies for the Salvation Army!   A good deed from our little school!  The kids also made cards for military folks and turkey hats that morning.

It was CRAZY busy that day.  I didn't have a chance to get many picts., but here are a few.

I need to run to school to take a picture of the Disguise a Turkey bulletin board outside our classroom.  This was the best participation rate by far in the years I have done this family project.  Wahoo to you!  Here is one of the guys previewing his rainbow turkey.  

Check out the Grown-ups tab.  I am adding a direct link to Raz Kids for you.  I hope you find this site to be a valuable resource both during the school year and during summer vacation.  The more kids read, the better readers they become. . . practice, practice, practice!

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Author Visit and Wacky Wednesday

We were so fortunate to have Maine author Lynn Plourde spend two days at our school last week.  We enjoyed a full school assembly with her and a more intimate writing lesson with her the next day.  It was very cool.  Here is a link to her website if you would like to learn more about her.

Here are some pictures from her visit and some photos of our wacky-ness!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Disguise a Turkey Mission

I sent home a family project.  Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to disguise our friend Tom Turkey.  Here are some links to give you possible ideas.  Let your child guide the design, but have fun carrying it out together.

I look forward to seeing what you come up with.  Send them in on Monday!


Sunday, November 10, 2013

A few more Halloween time photos. . .

I finally got the remainder of the Halloween week photos onto my laptop.  Enjoy!

Yummy lollipop pumpkin!  What a treat from D's gram!

Mrs. Fisher, our extraordinary carver, begins the process during snack.

The kids had five face choices.  This one got the most votes.

 So much fun stuff to hand out!  Thank you for your contributions.

I ran the face painting station. My skills are pretty rudimentary.  I did lots of cats and pirates that day.  Ha Ha!

Thank you to the family members who were able to join in the fun!

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Two Posts in One Weekend!

There are so many pictures from last week.  I decided to do another post.  This is not the end of the photos from the week, but I'll put a little dent in them.  Here are the Frankenstein photos we did on Halloween during snack time.  I just love these!!!