Sunday, May 11, 2014

A Look Back at April

Oh......I did it again.  I let waaaayyyyy to much time pass between postings.  Bad Blogger!

Anyhow, I am posting tons of picts.  to make up from my online absence.  Enjoy!

These first four are actually from March.  Four of the Hatch's Hoppers had pieces featured in the art show at the public library.  Congrats to A.B., P. L., A.P. and J. L.!  I just loved seeing these on display!

Nice practice with ABC patterns

I just loved the pose and the facial expression here.

More BIG writing pieces

Egg Drop Day!

One of my favorite activities to do with the kids.  It combines team work and problem solving. The best part is there is not one right answer.  The kids get a few materials and have to design protection from the egg so it won't break when they drop it from the ladder onto the tar.  The first 3-5 minutes is planning only.  Then kid begin their creations.

The toughest part for this year's group was deciding who was dropping and who was spotting.
Once the decisions were made, we started the tests.

Good buddies!

One last photo op with Miss T. before she heads home for the summer!
What a great help she has been to our little learners!

Bunny Party and PJ Day

I loved this writing piece...I wanted the kids to practice the sight word said (a tricky one for a number of them).  They were asked to come up with something that I said.  It also let them experiment with using quotation marks.

I am always mentioning things that are good for their brains so I couldn't resist sharing this one.

Mrs. Hatch said, "Read at home because it is good for your brain."

So very true!

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Happy Um....Spring?

Okay...I am sure the snow will be gone soon. . . . right?

Here are some pictures of the latest happenings in the classroom.  Enjoy!

A special thanks goes out to J's mom for coming in to be a guest reader this week.  J did a great job helping her read aloud the book to the class.  The rest of the gang put on their best listening ears.  We love having family members visit the classroom.  Let me know if you would like to be a guest reader.

In a recent parent letter, I was telling you about how writing fever that has caught on in the classroom.  Many of the kids are choosing to work on their "writing scrolls" during their free play time. Very cool!
Here are a few of our BIG writers!

A special thanks to these 2 guys.  They helped start writing fever.

The fantastic Miss T. from Thomas College has done a great job teaching in our classroom this year.
She is doing a read aloud and introducing clocks in the photos below.  We are lucky to have her in our room two days a week.

The whole school did some reading after our Wednesday assembly.  It was pretty cool to look across the gym and see all of the kiddos reading or being read to. . . literacy in action!

 I was reading aloud to these three.  They are waiting for me to finish taking pictures.

J and D worked together to complete the Green Eggs and Ham puzzle.